
I became a QA after working 13 years as an intensive care nurse. I am skilled in independent work, but also in teamwork and communication with colleagues along with a diverse set of tools that will assist in the testing processes.

Quality assurance

Very responsible, you won't regret it if you invite me for an interview!

  • Birthday: 17 April 1988
  • Phone: 0545756530
  • City: Ramat-Gan
  • Age: 34
  • Degree: B.A
  • Email: Kramarenko.julia@gmail.com

A junior QA, just graduated from a thorough qualification, is looking to fulfill herself in new areas after 13 years as a registered nurse- years that taught me how to work in team, learn new things from scrath in a short time, deal with extreme pressure and take responsibility for people's life.